March 2022 Newsletter

One of the first signs of spring is the crocus. I find it amazing that even through the last remaining snow, a crocus is able to push its way through, proclaiming that spring and warmer temperatures are on their way. We, like the crocus, are coming out of a cold winter, and for many a time of darkness. With the lockdowns and restrictions due to COVID-19, the shorter days of winter, and the struggles that people are dealing with, many of us are ready for a warm and uplifting change. Crocuses are resilient, and so is the human spirit. We have made it this far and will continue to bloom in the days to come. With the help of family, friends, churches and professionals, we have supported one another to make it through these difficult times. The days are getting longer and spring is on its way! May God help you to be uplifted as you give thanks to Him for all He has provided for you.
By Sue Skinner – Vice Chair of the Board

After great success last year, CCO is once again offering an online support group for teens (12-14 yr, 15-17 yr). Facilitated by CRPO registered psychotherapists and interns specializing in youth therapy, these sessions run for ten weeks on Thursday evenings from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. starting on April 21.
The goal is to provide a safe space for young people in our region to participate in group counselling tailored to their physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual needs; to access support, share experiences, remove isolation, and create connections with peers who are facing similar challenges. In essence, to know that they are not alone! This group will help address the unique pressures of the pandemic on youth mental health. Participants will explore skills and strategies to foster wellness into the future.
Apply online to register at Spaces are limited.

CCO is seeking a new EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR to lead the organization in 2022. Do you enjoy meeting with new people, sharing the story of a vision and mission and building relationships with new donors? Do you have experience in leading a charity? Come work with us! For more information, including the job description, please click here
Karen Dunphy joined the staff of CCO in the Fall of 2019 as our Intake Coordinator. Over the two years since then, her title has changed to Client Care Coordinator as the role expanded in scope and hours. Karen is our frontline, welcoming new clients and setting up their accounts. Karen has a deep love for Jesus and for those who come to CCO looking for assistance. Her sense of fun-loving humour can often be heard throughout conversations revealing her Newfoundland roots and putting people at ease.
Accidentally Employed! By Karen Dunphy
Gosh! Where do I start? I came to Ottawa 25+ years ago from Newfoundland. I planned to finish my Graduate Degree then head back to the rock to work in the family business. Instead I worked for 2 decades in what my dad always called ‘Corporate America’. In 2012, a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis led to an early retirement. I am very blessed that my MS symptoms are well in check and I feel great, other than the usual problems for a 50 year-old! I decided to retire because MS is a bit of a question mark and I wanted to get away from a 60 hour week and plunge into doing the things that bring me joy!
I kind of fell head-first into my second ‘career’ at Christian Counselling Ottawa. A close friend from my church, who works for CCO, asked me in October of 2019 whether I’d be interested in covering for someone going on maternity leave. My plan was to help out for the year then go back to being happily retired. It hasn’t turned out that way! I have been here ever since and now occupy the role of Client Care Coordinator. It is a privilege for me to be the front line for so many of our clients and partners. I love to speak to our clients and the team I work with is incredible. It brings me joy to have Jesus at the heart of everything we do and I have been given so many opportunities to share my faith with clients and our partners.
I joke that I am still mostly retired. I work at CCO part time which leaves me plenty of opportunities to pursue other things I love. I volunteer in a number of different roles at my church and as an Adoption Coordinator for a local dog rescue. This brings me to my other obsession- animals. I am very active in the animal rescue community and I am the proud mom to 2 one-eyed rescue cats, Betty and Rudy. They are affectionately known as foster-fails. I was supposed to just have them for a few weeks but I couldn’t give them up! The final four-legged member of the family is Clementine. Clem is a 2 year old Potcake (which is a fancy name for mutt). She is a former street dog rescued in Barbados and brought to Canada for a new life. When I am on Zoom meetings with my teammates from CCO, at least one of my ‘pack’ usually makes their presence known!
I am so grateful for God having brought this amazing organization into my life. Being able to hear and see firsthand the difference we make in the lives of our clients is such a blessing. At the end of every workday I know that I have made a positive impact on someone’s life. That certainly didn’t happen in my previous work life. Retired or not, I can’t imagine ever leaving CCO.

Join us Saturday, May 7 at 7pm for an evening of music with Jacob Moon. Jacob will be sharing old and new music as well as sharing his heart for mental health. Come and hear music from his new album – Under the Setting Sun – at Arlington Woods Free Methodist (225 McClellan Rd, Nepean, ON). Tickets will be bought at

BOOK REVIEW by Rosanne Wall
There is so much in our lives and environments that can make us feel overwhelmed and helpless, making us feel incapable of changing things. The average person has over 30 000 thoughts a day which can lead to confusion and chaos in our minds.
Jennie Allen encourages us in her book “Get Out Of Your Head” to take each of our thoughts captive to the things of God (2 Corinthians 10:5). As Jennie Allen will tell us in this book, how we think shapes how we live. The way we think is linked to our emotions. Our emotions are linked to our thoughts which are linked to our behaviours and then to our relationships.
To change our outlook we need to change our thought-life. We need to believe that we do have a choice – a choice to believe what God says about who we are and that His Word is true. We can choose to interrupt the confusion and chaos of our minds through the perspective of the truth of God. We have a choice to focus on Jesus. As we focus on Jesus and choose to believe Him then our emotions, thought-life, behaviours and relationships will also change.
This is an excellent book to get yourself started on the path to taking your thoughts captive to the truth that we have in Jesus. It is a journey. But, this is a book that will help get you into the habit of being a critic of your own thoughts and the way they can spiral out of control. With God, you can take charge of your mind so that you can turn that spiral from downward to upward.
- CCO believes that God cares about your mental health and can use a variety of methods in your healing – psychotherapy, Christian principles, medical intervention taken under the advice of a medical professional.
The mental health crisis that has become associated with the pandemic has increased the need for psychotherapy. CCO seeks to assist all those who come to us regardless of finances, by offering subsidies to those in need. Over the last two years, Covid has put a strain on our ability to do this. Please consider making a donation to allow us to continue helping others.
To make your donation click here
Are you wondering how you can give your time, expertise and talents back to the community? We are looking for people interested in serving on the Board of Directors. If interested, please contact Rosanne at [email protected]
CCO believes strongly in the power of people praying together to accomplish God’s purposes. If you would like to partner with us to pray for CCO, our Prayer Team will send you monthly emails with specific prayer requests. Connect with us at [email protected]
We are looking for a Registered Psychologist who is willing to provide supervision for our therapists. If you, or someone you know, might be interested in this supervisory role, we’d love to hear from you.
Christian Counselling Ottawa
63 Glencoe St #303, Ottawa, ON K2H 8S5