October Newsletter

OCT 3-10, 2021
Each autumn Canada marks Mental Illness Awareness Week. This year’s national campaign theme, from Oct 3-9th, is “There is no health without mental health.” At Christian Counselling Ottawa we couldn’t agree more! At CCO, we see how supporting the mental health needs of our clients directly impacts their overall health, as well as that of their families and community.
Over the past eighteen months, many people have been experiencing stress and poor mental health due to fear and uncertainty associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the reality that many of us are experiencing mental health problems, lack of awareness and stigma keep us alone and fearful of seeking help for ourselves or those dear to us. Cost can also make it difficult for many seeking mental health support to access those services.
At CCO, we aim to make it possible for all people to access our counselling services by offering subsidies. This year alone, CCO has been able to subsidize over 500 client sessions. This is only possible through the generosity of individual donors and partner churches.
On behalf of the board and staff at CCO, thank you to our supporters; those who pray for us as well as those who support us financially. You are truly the backbone of CCO – we could not do what we do without you.
However, as the need for counselling continues to grow, so does our need for financial resources. Our Fall Fundraising Campaign kicks off October 3 and runs through October 10 but you can give anytime. Please consider donating today. Your financial gift will not only impact someone’s life, but also their family and the community.
To make your donation click here https://christiancounsellingottawa.ca/donate/
Rosanne Wall, Chair
Remembering a Life of Service
Diane Moyer 1936-2021
By Elizabeth Reynolds

An inviting smile, a caring presence, a warm hug. That is what many think of when they remember Diane Moyer. To those in the early years of CCO, that is what greeted you when you walked into the old waiting room on Eddison Avenue. Many who came to CCO for help were made to feel more at ease and cared for by their encounters with Diane. Together she and Roger founded this agency; together they sacrificed for, served, and nurtured the many who came through the doors. That included the staff as well as clients. Roger counselled, and directed the business of the agency, while Diane served as receptionist and front-line worker, checking on how we as counsellors were doing, what we were struggling with, praying for us, and showing her love in very practical ways. I always knew that when I came out of a challenging session, Diane’s warmth and encouragement was on the other side. What she offered us was friendship, real, genuine friendship, which occasionally included a meal in their home.
When I first came to work at CCO there was no guaranteed pay. If the money was there- you got paid. Sometimes I was paid a few days late. What we didn’t realize was that Diane and Roger sometimes got paid less or went much longer before being paid. We didn’t realize it, because they never spoke of it. They quietly waited on the Lord to provide. While they waited, they continued to serve and encourage.
When Diane retired in 2000 her absence was felt. She was missed. I missed her, but she continued to be a friend to the very end. I spoke with her a couple of weeks before she passed away. True to form, she was concerned about me and my family. She made humour of all that she was dealing with, while showing genuine concern for me. Jesus said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them… It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant” (Mt 20:25-26 ESV). Diane learned that well. She sought to live it among us. God’s humble servant has gone home to her eternal reward. I miss her, but her influence continues, in CCO and in the many lives she impacted by her loving friendship.
Thank you, dear friend. Until we meet again!
Mental Health Challenge of the Month
By Megann Wall
She humbly brings us an offering of fiery colours.
She warms our souls with apple cider and pumpkin pie.
She wraps us in faux fur and blows a crisp breath of air
through our hair, promising life in the coming months.
It’s clear that autumn has arrived in all its glory.
But with it comes the return of the busyness of life.
Maybe for you, autumn means winding down from weekend getaways to neighbouring small towns or the cottage. For some, it’s going back to the classroom. For others, it’s gearing up for the lineup of holidays and events that the next three months hold. And for others still, autumn is a dark and exhausting time.
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is [often] a recurring mood disorder that causes depression-like symptoms in the winter months.1 Roughly 18% of Canadians experience some form of SAD at one point in their lives (Seasonal Affective Disorder, n.d.). For those who struggle with some form of depression or SAD, the thought of facing the fatigue that comes with it is almost as exhausting as the tiredness itself.
While it is not a bulletproof cure, it is well-known that exercise is a mood-booster, along with many other health benefits. But stress not, exercise is so much more than picking up weights or training for a half marathon. For reference, The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) has released three manageable guidelines for the general public. Simply put, to combat an inactive lifestyle, the goal is to “move more, reduce sedentary time, and sleep well” (CSEP, 2021, para.3)3. This could be anything from going for a walk around the block with a loved one, doing extra cleaning around the house, following along to a yoga or pilates video on Youtube, or skipping the elevator and taking the stairs.
Life gets tough and busy, but small additions to your everyday life are beneficial in the long run. And if all else fails, hold onto hope. Make tea to warm your hands and soul. Cling to the knowledge that spring does come again.
God’s loyal love couldn’t have run out, his merciful love couldn’t have dried up.
They’re created new every morning. How great your faithfulness!
I’m sticking with God (I say it over and over). He’s all I’ve got left.
Lamentations 3:22-24 MSG
1 Raymond W. Lam, Alan Buchanan & Ronald A. Remick (1989) Seasonal Affective Disorder—A Canadian Sample, Annals of Clinical Psychiatry, 1:4, 241-245, DOI: 10.3109/10401238909149989
2Seasonal Affective Disorder. (n.d.). Canadian Mental Health Association. Retrieved September 27, 2021, from https://cmha.bc.ca/documents/seasonal-affective-disorder-2/
3 Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Adults ages 65 years and older. (n.d.). Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology. Retrieved September 27, 2021, from https://csepguidelines.ca
A Joy to Serve
By Kerri Guther

2020 was just beginning when I had a call from Rosanne, the Chair of the Board, regarding a need at CCO for help with bookkeeping. I was coming out of a difficult season, having experienced burnout and a transition from a pastoral job I loved. My inner voice was telling me I was not the person she was looking for. But, after initially suggesting someone else for the role, I agreed to stop by the office and volunteer my time to help sort things out.
On January 19, I met with our then Executive Director, Linda, and looked over everything. I offered my help and set to work figuring out the processes of how things were done. Within an hour, Linda returned with a contract for me to sign, if I was interested, and hired me on the spot. I went into the office that day thinking I was just going to help for a few hours. It became a one day a week job and as it turned out, it was just what I needed to get my feet back under me.
Here we are, a year and three quarters later and my role is now (since January 2021) Business Director. Through different circumstances that I attribute to Linda, the Board of CCO and, of course, God – in only the way He can work, I have the privilege of having oversight of the business end of the agency and even get to bring some pastoral ministry to the team. God is so faithful. He is in this. He has a heart for the poor in spirit – for those struggling to find hope and balance in everyday life. Through our compassionate, professional team, we are helping to heal hearts and homes across the province. COVID-19 forced us onto secure video-based platforms, but this now allows us to minister to clients throughout Ontario. Times are changing, and the Board and staff of CCO is seeking God for discernment and wisdom on how to best move with them. We want to grow this ministry to be as effective as we can be at this moment in time and in the future.
It is a joy to work with the Board and Staff of CCO. Each person is committed to the purpose of the ministry and are daily offering their gifts and talents to serve our clients and the community. The Lord led me to this place and all I can do is thank Him. Please keep CCO in your prayers that all our financial and team needs would be met and that we might be a blessing to all who come through our doors. We are grateful for all who support CCO through prayer and donations. Together we can do amazing things for God in this community and beyond.
I spoke this over our team at our last staff meeting and want to take this opportunity to speak it over your life too:
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26

We would like to welcome Jean-Paul as an intern to the CCO team. He has a Bachelor of Social Work and has been back at school completing a Masters of Counselling at Yorkville University. John-Paul embraces an empathetic, person-centered approach within a holistic framework which includes Christian faith and spirituality. He believes in the importance of ‘digging deeper’ to achieve increased self-awareness about the narratives we tell ourselves. He also values practical, solution-focused methods to help clients achieve their goals. Welcome to the team JP!
Are you wondering how you can give your time, expertise and talents back to the community? We are looking for people interested in serving on the Board of Directors. If interested, please contact Rosanne at [email protected]
CCO believes strongly in the power of people praying together to accomplish God’s purposes. If you would like to partner with us to pray for CCO, our Prayer Team will send you monthly emails with specific prayer requests. Connect with us at [email protected]