June 2022 Newsletter

Dear Friends,
As we head into June and the summer months, the board and staff at CCO would like to thank each of you. Your continued support and prayers for Christian Counselling Ottawa is greatly appreciated. God has been good to us at CCO – He has provided continual funds to help those that come to us seeking help to manage their circumstances and he has provided new therapists.
CCO’s mission is to serve God and our community by providing counselling and psychotherapy in order to effectively help people manage life’s challenges. CCO has been doing this important work for 44 years and is committed to continue this service. We hope you will partner with us as we face today’s mental health needs in our community!
Each dollar provides us with the means to help a person know they are cared for and not alone. The funds you provide will support our work with couples so that marriages and families are given hope in these trying times. Each session that you support means someone can be guided to reduce their anxiety and depression. Your financial help means a person, a couple, a family and a group with mental health concerns have help that otherwise would not be available without this important ministry.
- Make a donation on our website (www.christiancounsellingottawa.ca)
- Make a donation through Canada Helps (https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/christian-counselling-ottawa)
- Become a monthly partner. Being a monthly partner with us helps us to plan more efficiently and ultimately impacts more people.
- Help us spread the word! Share this letter with your friends and family or share our posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Thank you for helping us reach our goal to raise $1500 for our first virtual silent auction held from May 9-May 18. Twenty items were auctioned off, including a day with a local artist, paintings, theater tickets, and baking, to name only a few. A tremendous thank you to all who donated items and services, to all participants who checked it out, and to those who won something to take home. If you missed out this time around, stay tuned. We plan on doing it again!

On May 7, friends of CCO were treated to a live concert by the Canadian, award winning singer/songwriter and incredibly talented guitarist, Jacob Moon. Accompanied by Jake (keyboards) and Sarah (vocals), Jacob performed songs from his newest album, Under a Setting Sun, as well as others from his large repertoire of music. Jacob shared stories of personal struggles and how God has acted faithfully in his, and the life of his family, touching the hearts of the audience. We appreciate all of you who came to support this fundraising effort, and thanks to Arlington Woods for graciously hosting.

TRIBUTE TO ROGER MOYER by Elizabeth Reynolds

Roger C. Moyer
Founder, Counsellor, Mentor, Humble Servant of God
On March 20, 2022 God called Roger Moyer home after a lifetime of service. He was in his eighty-ninth year. The sad news is that CCO lost both of our founders within seven months. The comforting news is that they were not long parted.
Roger, as founder of CCO served as Executive Director and Clinical Director from CCO’s founding in 1978 until his retirement from official leadership in 2000, at which time he focused on offering psychotherapy until well into his eighties. I say “official leadership” because Roger continued to be a leader in how he lived. He was a safe place to land: to seek wisdom, reflection, encouragement, and humour to the very end. He was a friend to all, a counsellor to hundreds, and he was my friend and mentor.
If I were to use one word to describe Roger Moyer it would be the word “humility.” I don’t remember Roger talking about humility- he lived it. He exemplified humility more than anyone I have known. He was gifted and talented; intelligent, sharp, and quick witted; but I never saw him use any of his abilities to promote himself. It was always to promote and encourage others. Even as I write I am struck by how easy it is to say this without any reservation. It is indeed rare. He didn’t seek to become famous or great, he humbly served for the good of others in the Kingdom of God. He had a habit in his life of stepping down to serve and make room for others. After he stepped down as Executive Director and Clinical Director, CCO went through some changes that eventually led to me becoming Clinical Director. I spoke to Roger about how uncomfortable I was supervising his work and expressed empathy for how he must be feeling. His response was, “Not at all. It’s as it should be. The student has become the teacher of the teacher.” He meant it. This was who Roger was! To be clear, Roger didn’t need my supervision, but I continued to value his mentoring.
Over the years I enjoyed some very special moments of speculating with Roger about what heaven must be like. His creative mind was able to imagine so much better than mine the wonders of heaven. Memories of these talks play over in my mind now as I imagine him enjoying, no longer speculating about, but experiencing the reality of heaven. I imagine the greeting he received from his Lord, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Then I see the wonders of heaven and the presence of God opening to him, and I find myself whispering, “Until we meet again dear brother to enjoy together what God has prepared for his children.” In the meantime, we have work to do. May Christian Counselling Ottawa and all who support this agency, the ministry that Roger and Diane founded, led, and poured their energies into, continue faithful to the mission and calling of the One who called us to this ministry.

It is with mixed feelings that I write a tribute and farewell to Elizabeth. In it there is a mix of joy and pleasure that she will have time to putter about, breathe in the fresh sea air and indulge in a more leisurely lifestyle. I can picture her digging and planting on her terrace, arranging her plants so they erupt in a riot of colour or sitting outside on a sunny morning while sipping her coffee. Elizabeth will live close to her sister for the first time in many years and can pop over for a visit whenever the whim arises. Thinking about her new life evokes a smile of delight.
Of course, all of us at CCO also feel sorrow at having to say farewell to our colleague and mentor. Since her early days as a volunteer and throughout her many years as a psychotherapist, Elizabeth gained an immense amount of experience and wisdom, which she unstintingly shared whenever called upon. I cannot count the number of times I popped my head into her office to talk through a particularly heavy session or to seek her advice on how to approach a challenging issue. She served as a mentor to many of us. Indeed, her lasting legacy will reveal itself in many a future client session.
More than anything, I will recall our chats about ancestry (she can trace hers from Robert the Bruce!), World War II, her beloved dog, Kip, family, travels and theology. I would look up from my desk and there she’d be, standing in the doorway, taking the time to ask how I was and what was going on in my world. She did that with all of us, giving not only of her wisdom, but also of herself. We will miss her laugh and her ready smile, both of which lifted our spirits and caused us to smile and laugh in turn.
Now Elizabeth gets to reap the rewards of her many years of dedicated service. More likely than not, she will shy away from words of praise or gratitude because that’s how she is. Nonetheless, here they are for all to see because I know this one thing: everyone who ever worked with Elizabeth, those of us privileged enough to know her, will agree with everything written here and add their own warm memories.
So, go and enjoy your new life, Elizabeth! May you have adventures galore, a bucketful of laughs, fun with family and friends, and a warm place to call home. We wish and pray that your future holds all that is good!
BOOK REVIEW by Krista Heath
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer
Dallas Willard once said, “Hurry is the greatest enemy of spiritual life in our day.” Hurry kills relationships, kills joy, kills gratitude, appreciation and kills wisdom. If you want to experience the life of Jesus Christ, the peace, joy, authority, identity purpose and calling, you need to adopt the lifestyle of Jesus Christ, and the simplicity, silence, rest and slowness of it.
This book encourages us to take up the easy yoke of Jesus – to walk at his pace, which FYI isn’t frantic or frenetic or so over-scheduled there is no room for rest, interruptions or connection with God. Jesus prioritized those things and it’s completely doable for us too. The book creates a hope, a hunger and a vision for a beautiful, abundant life with our Saviour. That’s what Jesus wants for each of us when He said “Come, follow me.”
Side note: book is excellent as is the podcast with John Mark and Jefferson Bethke “Fight Hustle, End Hurry”.
Throughout the year, CCO provides placement spaces for Masters level students who are in training to become therapists. Upon completion of their placement, many interns have chosen to stay with us as qualified therapists. We welcomed Amanda to the team in February, John Paul in April, and Heidi in June. We love that you have decided to continue helping others through CCO. May God bless you in the ministry of healing to which He has called you.
People to serve on the Board of Directors. If you have time, expertise and sense God leading you to serve in this role, please contact Rosanne at [email protected]
Prayer Partners. If you would like to partner with us to pray for CCO, our Prayer Team will send you monthly emails with specific prayer requests. Connect with us at [email protected]
Registered Psychologist. If you, or someone you know, would be interested in providing supervision and mentoring to our team, we’d love to hear from you.
Executive Director. Do you enjoy meeting new people, sharing the story of vision and mission, and building relationships with new donors? We are looking for someone to lead our charity. Visit our website to find out more, including a job description.