December 2022 Newsletter

Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6)
Dear Friends,
It is hard to believe that 2022 is coming to a close. As we head into the Christmas season I would like to thank all of you who have prayed and supported CCO in countless ways all year. We simply could not do what God has called us to do without you.
Like the previous year, 2022 has continued to have challenges as we face the realities that have come as a result of Covid-19. Like other organizations, staff are facing higher rates of fatigue as they juggle working from home with kids, illness, and financial pressures. Sadly, we have had to say goodbye to some of our therapists. We also mourn the loss of our dear founder, Roger Moyer, and Dr.Groves, who provided our team with many years of external supervision and mentorship.
Despite obstacles, CCO, through the help of God, has been able to provide over 2800 counselling sessions to people in need. 675 of these sessions were subsidized for those who are not able to afford the full cost. We praise God for this! We were also blessed by therapists joining the team, our clinical director who took on extra supervision, and interns who help clients while gaining valuable work experience. Therapists report they see progress in the lives of clients who are better able to manage their life stresses and gain victory in areas they previously had little control over. Because our therapists provide a unique Christian perspective, clients have the opportunity to grow in their faith as they receive counselling from our trained staff. Lives are being transformed. God reminds us, not only at Christmas, but throughout the year that He is Immanuel – God with us.
As we launch into 2023, we know that God continues to be with us. We are trusting Him to direct us and to provide wisdom as we figure out how to better meet the needs of the many who are hurting in our community. We are working with Clearview Consultants to identify how we can do this moving forward. As always, we thank you for your continued prayers and support.
Rosanne Wall, Chair of Board of Directors

It has already begun, but you can still join in the fun. Please check out the link below to support this wonderful cause. Find something for a family member, friend or yourself!
The proceeds will help many have greater access to counselling care at a time when it is so needed. Thank you for your participation!
Have you thought about supporting CCO? Here’s how:
- You can make a donation on our website
- Make a donation through Canada Helps (
- Become a monthly partner. Being a monthly partner with us helps us to plan more efficiently and ultimately impacts more people. You can sign up via the website.
- Help us spread the word! Share this letter with your friends and family or share our posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

By Megann Wall
The winter season has descended upon us with flurries of hustle and bustle and glimmering lights of incoming hope and renewal. Black Friday sales amongst the radio Christmas songs overstimulate the mind during a season that was created for stillness and rebirth.
Here in North America, Christmas time is embodied by decorated pine trees that overlay an array of gifts. Hung upon them are tinsel and lights; ornaments from years passed dangle from its branches, reminding us of the nostalgia of past holidays. But for Ukrainians (as well as other Eastern European countries), trees are decorated with cobwebs to symbolize good luck and gratitude.
Ukrainian folklore tells of a story of a widow and her children who were extremely poor, but they watched with delight as a small pine tree began to sprout. The family knew that they would have to leave their meek tree bare, for they could not afford to decorate the tree. As they went to bed on Christmas Eve, the household spiders took pity as the children cried, and began to spin beautiful webs among the branches that glowed silver and gold when the morning sun’s rays touched them. Upon awakening in the morning, the family was delighted, and never wanted for anything again after that Christmas.
For most people, Christmas time is the busiest time of the year, and with busyness will come stress and disorder. Lists upon lists for gifts and groceries, on top of chores and bill payments. Life is challenging during these months and can result in everything but what it was meant to be: a time for bonding, stillness, and restfulness.
We only get so much time on this earth, and I would much rather take delight in the ebbs and flows of life than constantly rushing towards the next thing. This holiday season, I encourage you to be intentional with spending time with loved ones. Enjoy your quiet time near a fire. Embrace your inner child and play in the snow. Meditate on what you are grateful for. Experience the attractions of the city. Be present in this time. Take delight in this season. Don’t miss the beautiful and organic moments while trying to create perfection. Breathe in the fresh, chilled air and smile.
It’s a beautiful day – and season – to be alive.
Psalm 23:1-4
The Lord is my shepherd;
I have everything I need.
2 He lets me rest in fields of green grass
and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water.
3 He gives me new strength.
He guides me in the right paths,
as he has promised.

A BOOK REVIEW by Sue Skinner
HIDDEN CHRISTMAS: The Surprising Truth Behind the Birth of Christ
By Tim Keller
Christmas is both a Christian holy day and our culture’s largest secular holiday; a time of lights, giving to others, a desire for peace. Over time, Christmas has become less and less about Christ, with avoidance of references about its origins. At the same time, parts of the Christmas story, found in carols and traditional songs, are still heard by nonbelievers, having a potential impact on them to question their meaning. In his book Hidden Christmas, Tim Keller, aims to reach a wide audience, believers and those still seeking, to understand the truths of Christmas. “My hope is that, when the reader is done, the true meaning of Christmas will no longer be hidden.”(1)
Keller has a compelling way of illuminating the biblical texts, revealing deep and complex theological concepts in everyday language. He unpacks the Christmas story, from the perspective of the various characters in ways that provide new and fresh insights into God’s grace, our need of a Saviour, and how we are to respond to this gift offered to us in Jesus. He contrasts Mary’s and Zechariah’s response to the angel’s prophecy, and shows us our response to God’s invitation must be to completely submit and trust Him.
Keller’s Hidden Christmas is a gem of a read that is relevant, not only during the Advent season, but throughout the year. A wonderful explanation for the person who is questioning the meaning of Christmas, and powerful to awaken new passions in those for whom the story has become too familiar.
People to serve on the Board of Directors. If you have time, expertise and sense God leading you to serve in this role, please contact Rosanne at [email protected]
Prayer Partners. If you would like to partner with us to pray for CCO, our Prayer Team will send you monthly emails with specific prayer requests. Connect with us at [email protected]